Sweet Red – Papi Sweet Wine

Sweet Red – Papi Sweet Wine from Papi Wines. Embark on a sensory journey with our Papi Sweet Red Wine, crafted to capture the rich sweetness of ripe red grapes. Delight in its velvety smoothness, a symphony of fruit-forward flavors that dances on your palate and evokes the warmth of sun-drenched vineyards with every sip.

  • Region: Chile, Central Valley
  • Type: Sweet Fruit Flavored Red Wine
  • Size: 750ml x3
  • ABV%: 5.5

Papi Wines - The Fun Starts With Papi !!!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
MH Yarborough
Delightfully Boundless Fun; Juicy sweet fruit embracing grapes in a bottle

Bored from restraint from its proud European roots, Papi emerges as the buoyant granddaddy to the world's vineyards and revived by a youthful spirit ascending from the Andes and Caribbean as hospitable and warm, sweet and welcoming to the unrestricted palette seeking to savor the potentials of complementary sweet fruits. Blueberries, Mangoes, Pineapples hinted varietals would have been ridiculed by ancestral vintners of Mont-Redon once pest-devastated Cru, from which Chile propagated cuttings transplanted by 17th century conquistadors, Like its origins, Papi emerges bold, resilient and rebelliously liberated.Kudos to Chile for making wine engaging and welcoming, and what we'd dreamed possible with thoughts of beautiful blueberries and tropical fruits. Papi is blithely engaging and wildly different.